Guess what? - life isn't as terrible as it sometimes seems when you're getting both checks rejected and your credit card is full so the Walmart person is putting your whole carefully, methodically, painstakingly, lovingly selected cartload of items back while you go cry of embarassment in the parking lot.
Life is actually a really pretty neat thing.
Life has things like going for walks in cool fall air.
Life has things like staring a little girl with big brown eyes and long brown hair straight in the eyes and saying,
"ok, repeat after me: God..." And having her say "...loves us!"...four times in a row.
Life is meeting another person in a similar situation as you, and having a good laugh over the awkward things that are part and parcel with being single and alone in church - the weekly "turn and greet your neighbor" fiasco that leaves you fidgeting madly with your bulletin...the not knowing where to put your eyeballs that is neutral and doesn't involve staring accidentally at anyone else...the moments where everyone who's gone to that church for a bajillion years breaks into laughter at a common church memory and you smile uncomfortably..all those joyous things.
Life is being told by someone you just met that someone else you barely know has "talked you up" to them...and pretending to be embarassed but really wanting to cheer.
Life is having the door opened for you.
Life is having to go into the little boys bathroom, sounding off at the top of your lungs that you're coming in and delivering half of your "this is not a playroom, wash your hands with soap and come out now" speech before you get in the door only to find a 3rd grade boy staring wide-eyed at you as he hastily zips his pants, surrounded by small children whipping water and pumping tree-size amounts of paper towels.
Life is finding a place to give back while knowing that you're the one who will really benefit.
Life is very, very good.
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