Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wantings and Havings

This is going to be random - not that I'm ever NOT random., but this might be somewhat more than usual. Prepare yourselves.

I have started my Christmas list already. On it you will find a pair of TOMS, the last couple seasons of I Love Lucy, fuzzy slippers, the latest NCIS, a mac computer, and this:
Which just so happens to be a shirt from Forever 21 featuring my absolute favorite of all time, I Love Lucy. So in love right now.

I found some super cool/funny/interesting things while trolling about this evening:

1) Freerice.com.  Go there.
2)This recipe, which I fully intend to try as soon as I am done here.
3) This hilarious list: 
4) College Fashion - google it and go to the website, I love poking around there.
5) And this website - I was laughing out loud at some of them.

I went shopping at Maurice's today - is it just me or is there something awfully enticing about that place? They just luuuuure me in, with their lovely minty colors and gorgeous designs and 10 for 10 punch cards....and then suddenly I am left dazed on the pavement much poorer than I was.
Anyways, I bought a dress for the family wedding I have this weekend: super gorgeous, but it's cream, which is not a color my clumsy self typically wears, and it's a little shorter than I would usually wear. I'm excited though!
I also bought a couple sweaters, including one I would like to start living in, and a couple shirts as well as dress pants for work.

I saw a nifty Idea on a website today, and it was all about finding 60 things everyday that you have and want to have again - things within your power basically. So here's some of mine from today, to give you an idea:
1) Beautiful sunrise 2) Good cup of coffee 3) Awesome two-hour visit with a splendid old lady 4) Fabulous shopping trip 5) Wore a soft sweater
And so forth...basically it help you realize the value of your life, and the things in it that make it that way so you can replicate them. Told you it was nifty.

Final thought, promise: I am copying the writing on the side panel of my Maurice's bag because I just like it. So, from me and Maurice's to you:

"My bedroom closet is my sanctuary, my confessional, my runway. It is the place where with damp towel and fuzzy slippers, I transform into the woman I hope to be.  The place I pretend to fire my boss, kiss my boyfriend, and play dress up. My closet is filled with low-rise jeans, a sweater that witnessed the first date with my fiance, a bikini I'm planning to fit into and the wrap I'm planning to cover it all up with. It's where I dress for brunches, beaches, boardrooms and bull-fights. (I'm not sure what one wears to a bullfight but it was a spread in a magazine once.)  My closet is where I practice pirouettes, check the progress of my bangs, and tape my crumbling homecoming corsage, crinkled pictures of celebrities, and looks I love onto the full-length mirror. It's where I've vowed to someday marry against a slew of ugly bridesmaid dresses."


  1. 1. I forgot about Maurice's! They only seem to have them in small-ish towns...we had one in Campbellsville.
    2. That photog site is FUNNY.
    3. Have fun at that wedding! My dad's an usher, so my parents will be there. I wish I could go!

  2. love your blog! such a happy discovery :)

  3. Jamie! I love this post! The list of truths - SO true! They made me laugh a lot. And Maurice's totally lures me in. I could buy the whole store!!
