First things first: the title is irrelevant. But it would be an awesome book title don't you think?
I had QUITE a day at work - I leave you to fill in the shadows behind the quite.
I went grocery and household shopping on the way home from work, because my mom and youngest sister will be in and out this weekend so I figured my usual maybe-I'll-eat-maybe-I-won't-grab-the-first-thing-I-see meals weren't going to cut it.
I sort of skipped dinner, not going to lie. And I had Mcdonalds for lunch. This is why I'm pretty sure my nutrition panel, if done, would be rock bottom. It's not that I don't like healthy stuff, it's just so much more bother.
I watched I Love Lucy, and Person of Interest, and the Mentalist, however I missed most of all of them because of the following:
I baked two loaves of pumpkin bread from scratch. I baked brownies from a box. I cleaned my toilet. I gave myself a facial (avocado and oatmeal for under 2$ at walmart!). I read all my blogs. I put away all the stuff I bought. And I picked out half the accessories for my wedding outfit. But then I talked to my sister on the phone, and something about the color combinations as I described them to her apparently didn't pass muster. I'm trying to decide if I care enough to go through that mess of choosing again.
And now, I plan to be thoroughly irresponsible. Is it a work night? yes. Should I be in bed? yes. Will I hate myself tomorrow? Most assuredly. But I'm going to stay up, put some clothes away, have a piece of my pumpkin bread, and watch my favorite-est movie - One Night with the King. I read Isaiah 40 this morning, and when I did all I could hear was Mordecai reading it in his deep English voice and I knew I couldn't sleep without watching it.
p.s. - remind me to tell you a story about sleeping.
If I don't write again for awhile, don't hate me - it's gonna be a great weekend!
You need to look at this because this lady is pretty cool:
annnd you need to send me your email so I can invite you to Pinterest.
Have a great time at the wedding, and give Grandma and Grandpa and everyone big hugs from me! I wish I could be there!
The email I have on here would be a great one, then I could link it to my blog :) I missed you tons, I had to sit out the dancing all by myself!