Friday, October 14, 2011


First of all, true admission: It took me awhile to spell featuring correctly. I'd like to blame this on the 11:30 time, but truth is I just fail at certain words.
Second, I got a twitter: invincibleblogj. Mostly, I got it so I could get Pinterest!! But, if you happen to be a fan of Twitter and want to tell me how it works or want me to follow you or whatever it is one does on there, let me know.
And finally, most importantly:
the Feature.
One of my best friends, Kiah Tomatz, is a very talented woman. She does great design work (you can find her here), but she also is a very lovely musician.

Fun facts about Kiah:
1)I still have the notebooks we passed notes in in highschool: mainly they consist of her saying "write me back!" and me saying "Leave me alone I'm reading my book!"
2) Kiah is the most flexible person I know - seriously! the world's highest Russians
3) The very first time I ever used an IM-like-program was on a computer at her house. She was tech savvy, cool, and in the know, and me, well, I wrote a 1,000 word novel instead of a short and sweet line of text. in fact,
4) She's pretty awesome. Beautiful, talented and accomplished - so much so that I don't know why she still hangs out with me, my books, and my I Love Lucy obsession.

So, in honor of the weekend and finding good things to enjoy, I am showcasing some of her videos here and I encourage you to explore more and be delighted.

Happy weekend friends!

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